Tuesday 21 March 2017


At camp we went on the low ropes  and I was on one of the hardest ropes, I fell upside down. None of the adults were noticing me so I said can someone please help me? Mia’s dad came and helped me. Lots of people got scared because they thought it was too high up.personally I liked going up high because I knew that there was not much possibility that I could fall because of the harness.

The water slide was 115 metres long and I went down with Mia ,Luciele and Mrs Cameron. We went into the muck at the bottom of the slide and it was gross and slimy but it was fun. Those were my highlights.

By isabel

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Facts about cockroaches


1. The cockroach can live for one week without it’s head because it’s brain is in the side of it’s body.
2. They can live for one month without food and one week without water, they eat almost anything.
3. They can fit through the width of a ten cent coin.
4. Also the cockroach are nocturnal so you will mostly find them in the night.

5.A female cockroach has to mate once to be able to lay eggs for the rest of it’s life.