Wednesday 5 April 2017

100 Word story

The Accidental Dance
Quickly I walked across the hard brown stage of the theatre because I was helping out with the performance that they were doing for the dance school.Dancers looked beautiful in their costumes showered in glitter, also makeup and hair was being done. Nearer to the time of the show the audience were getting their cameras out ready to watch. Suddenly it started and the dancers leaped across the floor gracefully. Then the dance teacher ran quietly up to me her face pale she asked me if I had any experience in dance? Yes I said I did dance. She said good because she needed me to do a solo because there was some spare time that they had to fill in. Next  I was up and I was so worried because I did not know what to do. I walked on the stage and music started, I danced. Dancing up on that stage was not that bad and I did pretty good.Crowds cheered and it was fun.

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