Sunday 3 September 2017

Sick Sentences

Sam and the skydivers held on to each other. They were high up. It was scary.

Sam and his crew of brave skydivers clutched each other as they tried not to look down because they were miles from earth but they could not look anywhere but down because they were too stiff with fear to move.

The rider held on. His bike was going quickly over the ground. It was really dusty. He felt    

       excited and scared.

The rider gripped the handlebars as his bike zoomed over the dusty hard ground. He felt extremely excited but terribly afraid of tumbling off.

The boy held out some food. The dragon ate it. He was green and had horns.
The Dark green majestic dragon eagerly gulped down the meat as he stared into the woods below.           

 It was a cold day.
My way: It was a bitterly cold day

2. The creatures went through the water.
My way: The beautiful sea creatures gracefully leapt through the deep blue sea.

3. They stuck together.
My way: They huddled so closely to each other they could hardly be parted.

4. That was a good thing.

My way: That was a wonderful thing.

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