Thursday 7 September 2017

Character description

My cat Huckle

Huckle is a grey cat with one white spot on his back.He has short legs but long wiry whiskers. He is mischievous because he will walk under my dad's legs and trip him up. Huckle is friendly especially to my grandparents, how he is friendly around them is he sit near them and when they pat him he purrs loudly.His eyes are as green as emeralds and as big as saucers. One of his favorite things to do is to stare out the window for hours. He is 10 in human years and 70 in cat years.

Sunday 3 September 2017

Sick Sentences

Sam and the skydivers held on to each other. They were high up. It was scary.

Sam and his crew of brave skydivers clutched each other as they tried not to look down because they were miles from earth but they could not look anywhere but down because they were too stiff with fear to move.

The rider held on. His bike was going quickly over the ground. It was really dusty. He felt    

       excited and scared.

The rider gripped the handlebars as his bike zoomed over the dusty hard ground. He felt extremely excited but terribly afraid of tumbling off.

The boy held out some food. The dragon ate it. He was green and had horns.
The Dark green majestic dragon eagerly gulped down the meat as he stared into the woods below.           

 It was a cold day.
My way: It was a bitterly cold day

2. The creatures went through the water.
My way: The beautiful sea creatures gracefully leapt through the deep blue sea.

3. They stuck together.
My way: They huddled so closely to each other they could hardly be parted.

4. That was a good thing.

My way: That was a wonderful thing.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

My speech

Ocean Pollution

Imagine you are in boat and you are paddling through a sea of plastic, you look around and frantically try to get to land but you can see  no land, no life just rubbish for miles and miles. Unfortunately this is not the past or the future it is now in some places.
My  name is Isabel and I am going to talk to you about ocean pollution.

How much pollution is going into the ocean and what is it?
1.4 million kilograms  of rubbish enters the ocean each year and thousands of tons of waste is dumped into the ocean on a daily basis. The biggest sources of  pollution are land based sources such as oil, dirt, septic tanks, farms and motor vehicles. When I say farms what I mean is all of the cows pollute the waters by doing their business in the rivers that lead out to the seas. Mainly all of the waste comes from the sewage pipes which run throughout the grounds leading out to the oceans because people put their rubbish in the drains. There is a great rubbish patch in the Pacific Ocean which is all of the rubbish from different seas are joining together as one big patch in the ocean.

What happens to the animals?
Well 1 million seabirds and 100,000 sea mammals are killed each year by pollution. How this happens is either: the animals get covered in oil, they get tangled in the rubbish or they swallow the waste and get killed! If this keeps happening I will scream at everyone even random people if they litter! Did you know a sperm whale was found dead on the coast of Spain. After an autopsy, they discovered that the whale had swallowed 17 kilograms of greenhouse supplies such as sheeting, rope and flowerpots that had been discarded into the Mediterranean ocean.

How can we stop pollution?
One for starters we can stop chucking stuff in the drains and put your litter in the bin, I mean that is what bins are for aren't they? And two someone needs to invent plastic bottles and other plastic waste edible for the sea creatures so if you throw waste away (which you still shouldn't do) the creatures can eat it and still not die. Our lives  also depend on the sea and rivers because where do you think our water comes from? If our water isn't clean then what will  we drink?

I hope you now realize what  waste is doing to our oceans and sea life. We can all  help stop the pollution if we really try to and I know you agree with me because I mean who likes pollution? no one should!

Wednesday 31 May 2017


Selfie writing - A trip to Paris

Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths

Finally me and my family got to go to the astounding Paris for 3 long weeks. Everything was amazing like the pastries, sights and the view we had from our room was awesome! We also got to see the ridiculously high Eiffel Tower. The township was buzzing with different noises as we made our way all over town exploring and   I took heaps of selfies.This is my favourite the tower is so cool.
By Isabel

Pizza Day

Pizza Day
Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths

YAY! Today is pizza day,my family and I are getting pizza for dinner. Later we were at the pizza store and we ordered our pizza. What seemed like one hour later the waiter brought our food in.The pizza absolutely reeked. I was thinking I just couldn't eat something so disgusting because it looked like someone chewed it threw up, then put it on a plate.I asked what it was
and the waiter said it was a goat cheese and sheep gut pizza, so  I told the man that they got the order wrong then they  got us our order.

By Isabel

The deadly forest

The deadly forest
Use a variety of sentence beginnings
Use punctuation
Add adjectives and verbs
Use a variety of sentence lengths

I went to the forest to explore but it was horrible!
I lost my food when a tree collapsed on my backpack so then I found an orange on the ground but it looked rotten . Within the forest in the darkness was a crocodile growling at me. I ran through the forests wide exit and ran all of the way home. When I got home I was telling my mum what happened and she started laughing.She then told me that I did not read the sign which said DO NOT GO IN THE DEADLY FOREST! Whoops!

By Isabel

Wednesday 5 April 2017

We did 6 word stories in class these are my favourites.
“I am staring at you guys.”

“What if this berry is poisonous?”

Butterfly poem

Beautiful wings fluttering in the wind
Under leaves hiding
Tall legs holding the creature up
Tiny caterpillars crawling out of their eggs
Eggs being laid carefully
Riding the wind
Flying faster than anything
Letting its wings dry in the sun
Yellow nectar being sucked up.

100 Word story

The Accidental Dance
Quickly I walked across the hard brown stage of the theatre because I was helping out with the performance that they were doing for the dance school.Dancers looked beautiful in their costumes showered in glitter, also makeup and hair was being done. Nearer to the time of the show the audience were getting their cameras out ready to watch. Suddenly it started and the dancers leaped across the floor gracefully. Then the dance teacher ran quietly up to me her face pale she asked me if I had any experience in dance? Yes I said I did dance. She said good because she needed me to do a solo because there was some spare time that they had to fill in. Next  I was up and I was so worried because I did not know what to do. I walked on the stage and music started, I danced. Dancing up on that stage was not that bad and I did pretty good.Crowds cheered and it was fun.

Sunday 2 April 2017

Wanted poster

Name: Ladybird

AKA: Spotty

Scientific Name: Coccinellida

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera

Description: A ladybird is red  has nine spots, oval dome shaped bodies and  six short legs.

Diet: Ladybirds eat little insects with soft bodies such as Aphids, Mites and Whiteflies.

Wanted For:Eating Aphids off your plants.

Habitat: The ladybirds are found in every country but Antarctica and the far Northern regions  like  North America, Europe and Asia.

Last Known Location:On your lemon and lime plant’s sucking up the  Aphids. By Isabel and Luciele.

Tuesday 21 March 2017


At camp we went on the low ropes  and I was on one of the hardest ropes, I fell upside down. None of the adults were noticing me so I said can someone please help me? Mia’s dad came and helped me. Lots of people got scared because they thought it was too high up.personally I liked going up high because I knew that there was not much possibility that I could fall because of the harness.

The water slide was 115 metres long and I went down with Mia ,Luciele and Mrs Cameron. We went into the muck at the bottom of the slide and it was gross and slimy but it was fun. Those were my highlights.

By isabel

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Facts about cockroaches


1. The cockroach can live for one week without it’s head because it’s brain is in the side of it’s body.
2. They can live for one month without food and one week without water, they eat almost anything.
3. They can fit through the width of a ten cent coin.
4. Also the cockroach are nocturnal so you will mostly find them in the night.

5.A female cockroach has to mate once to be able to lay eggs for the rest of it’s life.

Wednesday 15 February 2017

My Holiday

Somes Island
We boarded the boat to the Island.When we got to the dock we had to clean out our shoes so we would not bring anything over to the island that was not allowed like a type of plant.We went on bush walks and saw a lot of cool things like penguins, skinks ,birds and even sheep!There were lookouts and places you could stay for the night.The walk was long but it was worth it. It was awesome!

By Isabel